Guinea Pig Fun
Merry's Slip slidin' Away
Merry's Carrot Games
Thea's Elf
Merry's Knock, Knock: Spicy and Strawberry
Karial's Jumping Pigs
Karial's Bucking Broncos
Merry's Game Time
Alix's Sleepytime Games
Thea's Halloween Games
Below are some of the animations that were created by some talented people. Alix had lots of fun creating animations including her Sleepytime Games animation shown below. Like ALix, Merry loves art so she too made some colorful animations including The Carrot Snatcher featuring Guinea Pig Fun's Max, Gypsy, and Pippi. Thea Paar, a German artist, created the Halloween Fun animation and also the animation featuring the fairy. Karial created numerous animations and graphics and two are featured below: Bucking Bronco and Jump Rope. Lots of fun!
Guinea Pig Fun © 2003 - 2022 All rights reserved. Nothing may be reproduced without written permission from the person who holds the original copyright.