Jurassic Pig

O'Guinea Architecture

Stars of the Theme Cage Albums

How to Make Theme Cages

African Adventure

Food Fight

The Book and the Car

A Guinea Pig Wedding

The Gingerbread Man

Bath Time 1

Just Veggie Wraps

Bath Time 2


books: FUN

Want to curl up with a good book? Hooked on dinosaurs? Pinny Gig's Jurassic Pig will satisfy your thirst for more knowledge on these fascinating creatures. Just Veggies Wraps is guaranteed to be a hit with the culinary-arts folks and Pat's African Adventure is a fun trip through darkest Africa. Romance more your style? TexCavy's A Guinea Pig Wedding is just the answer! Want to learn how to do something new? How to Make Theme Cages is the book for you. Learn how to safely visually enhance your favorite guinea pig habitat. Prefer to catch up on the latest gossip?  Check out Stars of the Theme Cages to get the inside scoop. Read about their favorite foods, grooming habits, cage mates, pastimes, and other secrets. These are just some of the books featured below. Read one or read them all! Please click a photo to view a "book" photo album.

 Guinea Pig Fun