Guinea Pig Fun
Anita, LilyGrace, and Leslie show off their baking skills. With a little bit of ingenuity you too can create guinea-pig themed cakes and cookies. Just remember, that these are for human consumption-only. See the above section for cakes that guinea pigs can eat.
ingredients that you use can be based on whatever you have in your refrigerator. Thanks, Merry, for sharing your recipe.
"My darling little Rose had her second birthday recently. We had a little party for her so I made her 'cake' out of various fruits and veggies. She and the girls stuffed themselves silly and were lounging around the cage. I blended cantaloupe, apples, and carrots topped with celery and 'iced' with parsley. I added two carrot 'candles'. I strained the blend before molding it because it was really watery. The pigs liked it!"
LilyGrace created this dish straight out of the "Just Veggie Wraps" guinea-pig restaurant. These are very simple to make. Just take a piece of Romaine lettuce or kale and wrap up your guinea pig's favorite whole, chopped, or grated veggies. Suggested contents are parsley, a small amount of carrots, green pepper, and maybe a bit of apple ... or whatever your guinea pig loves that is healthy to eat. A guaranteed hit with your guinea pigs and their caretakers! To see more photos and learn how to make her delicious veggie wraps click on the photo to view the story and photo album.
Merry loved to create birthday cakes for her guinea pigs. She used items that she found in her refrigerator so the
Guinea Pig Fun © 2003 - 2022 All rights reserved. Nothing may be reproduced without written permission from the person who holds the original copyright.