Guinea Pig Fun
The guinea pig on the immediate right was fed a diet that included high amounts of apples and oranges along with bread. Unfortunately, this set up a perfect environment for mouth sores AKA cheilitis. She was treated with various items: liquid Vitamin C, Bactrim (antibiotic), Metacam (anti-inflammatory an anti-pain meds), and topicals that included diluted Nolvasan/Chlorhexiderm, Silvadene (anti-fungal and anti-bacterial ointment) and Galen Garden's Green Cream. Oral Nystatin was given at one point and it resolved mouth sores and the infection inside her mouth (note the white debris between the upper incisors (front teeth). The vet notes indicate that there was no yeast/candida and that it was a possible bacterial infection. The photo on the far right shows a male who was pulled from a shelter. Gorgeous Guinea's F+M Ointment was applied to the lips and the problem disappeared nearly overnight (it was totally gone two days later and did not return.) DO NOT REMOVE THE MOUTH SORES!
I had a guinea pig who had a couple of lumps when I got him. There was a small one on his side and a larger one on the top of his rump. At first it was thought that they were both abscesses and their contents were expressed. Both lumps came back so the vet cleaned them both. They came back again and so we had them removed and they did not come back and others did not shown up elsewhere on his body. The vet determined that they were both sebaceous cysts unlike a female who had cancer. Many times sebaceous cysts can just be expressed at home and not require surgical removal but since one of the male's was quite large he needed to have it and the capsule removed so the smaller one was also removed. Other lumps may be malignant or lipomas/fatty lumps.
Guinea Pig Fun © 2003 - 2022 All rights reserved. Nothing may be reproduced without written permission from the person who holds the original copyright.