Guinea Pig Fun
Colleen's Painting of Jasmine
Merry's Painting of Jasmine
George Smith's Halloween Sculpture - click image to view website
Kathy's Painting of George's Sculpture
Kathy's Painting of Jasmine
Kathy's Painting of Jasmine
Melody's Dodo Sleeping with his Teddy
Melody's Dodo eating Hay and Carrots
Jackie's Jasmine
Several live-action paintings were made at but unfortunately the website lost the files at one point so they are no longer viewable. Kathy painted Jackie's Jasmine and also one of George Smith's sculpture. Melody had fun creating her own special paintings of her stuffed-toy guinea pig, Dodo. Thanks, Melody for sharing your paintings with everyone! Kathy's Jasmine paintings were painted by Colleen, Merry, and Kathy.
Guinea Pig Fun © 2003 - 2022 All rights reserved. Nothing may be reproduced without written permission from the person who holds the original copyright.