Guinea Pig Fun
About the herd: The Guinea Pig Herd consists of 11 female guinea pigs who all live together in a custom build enclosure in our dining room. They can jump out of their cage at all times and free range across our house. Our youngest guinea pig is 6 months old, our oldest ones are getting close to 5. All of our guinea pigs are short hair or hairless and breeds include Rexes, Himalayans and Skinny pigs. They come from a variety of backgrounds.
I'm in love with Skinny Pigs.I have 5 boars, Barnaby, Ernie, Grover, Calvin and Hobbes! Rest In Peace Rugby, I will never forget you!
[Many of Skinny Pigs' videos are how-to videos.]
Kathy's videos that include tributes to Jasmine and her fan club as well as videos of rescue with medical issues and some fun videos of baby guinea pigs pop corning.
The GPF Theater features videos by Bonnie, Karine Jans, Kathy, Skinny Pigs (Hairless Pigs), and Zoesbabies. Bonnie's really cute videos star her beloved pet, Bing, who loved to dance, dance, dance, and sing, sing, sing. Bing starred in numerous wonderful videos created by Bonnie. Karine's videos show her piggies enjoying the numerous playtime items that she gives them to explore. They love it and so will you! Kathy's videos feature Jasmine and other rescues. Skinny Pigs' videos feature her male Skinny guinea pigs as well as how-to videos regarding their care. Zoebabies' videos feature the daily life of her herd of guinea pigs. Get your tickets and popcorn and pull up a chair or two and sit back and enjoy the videos. Please click an image below to view the videos.
Bonnie's highly popular videos all star her beloved Bing. Be sure to check them out ... you won't be disappointed! Lots of fun ... enjoy! Please click on the image above to view Bing's videos.
"Piggies are smart, playful, intelligent and sweet. There are so many ways to keep them entertained and offer them a better life, with store bought items or stuff that can be found at home." Karine always manages to come up with something new and fun for her guinea pigs. She loves her guinea pigs and this shines through her works with her desire to have others know that proper care results in happy and healthy pets.
Guinea Pig Fun © 2003 - 2022 All rights reserved. Nothing may be reproduced without written permission from the person who holds the original copyright.